Monday, December 20, 2010

Tips to getting a better shot...

Have you ever try to take a shot of something it doesn't really comes out the way u imagine it will. Believe or not but I have 3 techniques that will get your image to be the shot your always dream about. To get a really good shot you will need to use the rule of thirds, Find fresh angles to shoot from and getting your image straight. I guarantee if u don't use these three amazing tips your picture wouldn't be the best you want it to be.

Rule Of Thirds- The basic principle behind the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking an image down into thirds.200604301317.jpg
Rule of thirds identifies four important parts of the image. The theory is that if you place points along the lines your photo becomes more balanced. Which is also known as the money spot.

Fresh Angles- To make your picture bigger or better you can use this technique which is( finding fresh angles to shoot from). Basically your just getting closer and crouching down to accentuate the smallness and the object bigness. Not only does changing the angle that you shoot from impact the feeling of your subject, it can have a real effect upon the light, shade and pattern on it.The variety of perspectives that you can shoot images from is only limited by your imagination. Standing in front of your subject you might like to try (lying in front of it, climbing above it, putting camera on the ground and chancing it.

Straight Image- The most important tip is getting your image straight. While tapering effect would have remained the image would have been vastly improved with the camera straightened slightly. Rule of thumb-take a moment before you take your shots to ask yourself a question about what lines there are in your view finder. Don't just consider the horizon but also look at other horizontal and vertical lines. Use the edge of your view finder, you've got them lined up, make sure you don't move around too much .

Right Image

Wrong Image


So now that I have given these tips try it out and see if your image improved. Im a 100% sure u will be much happier with the shot you will be taken from now on.imgres.jpg

Monday, March 15, 2010

S-day March 15

1) What was the first thing you though when you woke up this morning (be appropriate!!)
1) The first thing I thought when I woke up is that i didn't want to come to school I wanted to sleep.

2) If you could go to college tomorrow for free, where would you go and why?
2) The college I will like to attended is UCONN; because I'm closer to home. Also I visit there couple of times and I really like things I seen.
3) Go to google and find one important thing in history that happened on today's date...tell me what it was!
3) In 1493, Christopher Columbus returned to Spain after his first visit to the Western Hemisphere.

4) If you were Mr. Simpson, who would you schedule to come in for S day and why? (try to think like a teacher here)

4) I will schedule for someone from eyewitness to come and talk to students about what they do there and how they everyday life style is(for example:what time they wake up?etc...)

5) Scenario.....the whole world freezes (except for you) for 30 seconds. what do you do???
5) I will think I'm going crazy. I will be really scared because I'm by myself and no ones there to talk to me or keep me company.

Monday, February 8, 2010


5.Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.

4. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationship.
Guys just don't show it and express their feeling as well as us girls.

3. When a guy calls you on the phone it does not mean what you think.
Guys feels tons of pressure from girls when it comes to the telephone. Its like calling a girl means their admitting he like her, but that's not what's up. Guys hate calling girls because the next day the girl might act like she owns him. Or, if she's shy, suddenly she can barely talk to him because she's scared.

2.Some guys doesn't like tight clothes.
They think it looks uncomfortable, cheap, and sort of desperate and insecure. Guys thinks girls get mixed up because of how people dress on T.V. Showing a lot of skin in super tight clothes just says to everyone ''please look at me". If you need to wear those kind of clothes, you obviously not confident.

1. Most guys are looking for the right girl.
Guys would love to find a girl who is cool and doesn't act like such a girl. Boys think girls way too in to finding BF. Do girls, want ant any guy or the right guy? Some guys are shy just as some girls are shy.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Being in love

Love is a strange feeling that can be one of the most amazing in all the world. Sometimes the emotions associated with love are blissful, and there are times when they can really hurt. In the end, love is something most of us, if not all of us, will encounter. While there are many different ways to define love and there are many different ways to love someone (or even yourself). He is my heart, my soul ,my today, my tomorrow, my forever , my everything.
Love is patient, love is kind,And what our loves express is true.No amount of tragedy can tear Or break the love I have for you.Time has healed our many wounds,But has not erased the memory.But we'll hold on, we'll stay together.
We will get through this, you and me.
Though we are young and still learning
About ourselves, our world today,In my heart, I'll always love you,And in my heart you'll always stay.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Avatar was good because it made feel like i was really there. It is the most visually fantastic film i've ever seen. Every singe shot is just so full of detail that you literally open your eyes wider to take as much in as you can before each cut.Its interested how the humans can just go into a machine and live life as an avatar.
The Good:I like that you want to watch more you want to see what is going to happen next. I don't know that I've ever witnessed complete humanoid models move so realistically, especially given their exposure(in both screen time and skin.)
The Bad:I hate that the humans wanted to kill and destroy the avatars land and how they were living.

Austin Pilot

In this picture, it shows smoke billows from a seven story building after a small private plane crashed into a building that houses an office of the Federal tax agency in Austin,Texas on Thursday Feb 18,2010. This plane crash left an IRS employee Vernon Hunter dead and two people injured according to Assistant Austin Fire Chief Harry Evans. Their conditions and identities were not immediately known. The FBI believes Joseph Andrew Stack left an angry suicide note before he burned his house down then crashed a small plane into the Echelon building in Austin, Texas which houses many IRS employees they also believes the IRS may have been the target. The crash sent workers fleeing as ceilings crumbled, windows shattered and flames shot out of the building. Dozens of windows were blown out the hulking black building.It is also believed that the 53-year-old software engineer may have left a disturbing online manifesto in which he ranted against the IRS, the Catholic Church, tax loopholes, bailouts and his own sorry state of affairs.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Job at NBC Connnecticut

Working at NBC is a very great experiences for me. I learn lots of new things about what goes on behind scenes.Talk to producer and see how they get stories to put on t.v. The workers at NBC is kind and friendly, they make sure we are comfortable and always have a task to do.