1) What was the first thing you though when you woke up this morning (be appropriate!!)
1) The first thing I thought when I woke up is that i didn't want to come to school I wanted to sleep.
2) If you could go to college tomorrow for free, where would you go and why?
2) The college I will like to attended is UCONN; because I'm closer to home. Also I visit there couple of times and I really like things I seen.
3) Go to google and find one important thing in history that happened on today's date...tell me what it was!
3) In 1493, Christopher Columbus returned to Spain after his first visit to the Western Hemisphere.
4) If you were Mr. Simpson, who would you schedule to come in for S day and why? (try to think like a teacher here)
4) I will schedule for someone from eyewitness to come and talk to students about what they do there and how they everyday life style is(for example:what time they wake up?etc...)
5) Scenario.....the whole world freezes (except for you) for 30 seconds. what do you do???
5) I will think I'm going crazy. I will be really scared because I'm by myself and no ones there to talk to me or keep me company.