Have you ever try to take a shot of something it doesn't really comes out the way u imagine it will. Believe or not but I have 3 techniques that will get your image to be the shot your always dream about. To get a really good shot you will need to use the rule of thirds, Find fresh angles to shoot from and getting your image straight. I guarantee if u don't use these three amazing tips your picture wouldn't be the best you want it to be.

Rule Of Thirds- The basic principle behind the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking an image down into thirds.

Rule of thirds identifies four important parts of the image. The theory is that if you place points along the lines your photo becomes more balanced. Which is also known as the money spot.
Fresh Angles- To make your picture bigger or better you can use this technique which is( finding fresh angles to shoot from). Basically your just getting closer and crouching down to accentuate the smallness and the object bigness. Not only does changing the angle that you shoot from impact the feeling of your subject, it can have a real effect upon the light, shade and pattern on it.The variety of perspectives that you can shoot images from is only limited by your imagination. Standing in front of your subject you might like to try (lying in front of it, climbing above it, putting camera on the ground and chancing it.
Straight Image- The most important tip is getting your image straight. While tapering effect would have remained the image would have been vastly improved with the camera straightened slightly. Rule of thumb-take a moment before you take your shots to ask yourself a question about what lines there are in your view finder. Don't just consider the horizon but also look at other horizontal and vertical lines. Use the edge of your view finder, you've got them lined up, make sure you don't move around too much .
Right Image

Wrong Image
So now that I have given these tips try it out and see if your image improved. Im a 100% sure u will be much happier with the shot you will be taken from now on.